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How Would You Like To Partner With Us To Help You Build An Irresistible Offer!!

BUT WAIT! How would you like to Get Our Partnership Package!
Get My Exact Bot Sequences & Have Partnership Rights To Sell, Or Give Away, 12 Memberships To The MLM Lead Machines Program? 

12 Scholarship Memberships Equals $1,164. That's $867. In Profit!! Plus There Is More!

How Every Network Marketer Can Use The Power Of A Chat Bot To
Get More Clicks, Sales, and Profits
No Matter What You Sell Or Who You Sell It To!
"YES, I Want The
Package for
Only $297!"

My Personal MLM Chat Bot: 

The exact chatbot that makes me $5000 every month in organic sales. Which comes with 5 days of follow up messages from both chatbot & email.
                                                                                              ($2997 Value)

My Webinar Scripts:

Our Webinar scripts & slide deck presentation. Plus the same template I used to write all my webinar scripts.
                                                                                                ($2497 Value)

Partnership Rights:

Sell up to 12 Membership and keep 100% of the profit. THAT"S $867. profit over your investment. Or you can give those memberships away and use it as added value you to help build your downline! 
                                                                                                 ($1197 Value)

My Auto-recruiting Follow Up ManyChat Email Sequences:

18 Done For You Emails that will help you recruit people into your downline, buy subscriptions of my program, take free trainings to help with conversions.
                                                                                                 ($1997 Value)

Lifetime Inner Circle Membership:

You will never have to pay our monthly inner circle membership fee of $50. and you will have access to our inner circle warehouse where we store all the replays to every weeks live call.
                                                                                                  ($1197 Value)
Total Added Value $9,885
Todays One Time Offer
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